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  • Writer's pictureCharles Nightingale

How to Build a Culture of Feedback and Recognition with XComms

Updated: Apr 1, 2023


Feedback and recognition are two essential elements of a positive and productive workplace culture. When employees receive constructive feedback and meaningful recognition, they feel valued, motivated, and engaged. They also perform better, learn faster, and stay longer with the organization.

However, creating a culture of feedback and recognition is not easy. Many internal communicators face challenges such as lack of time, resources, tools, or support to collect and act on employee feedback or to recognize and reward employee achievements. They also struggle to communicate effectively with their diverse and dispersed workforce and to measure the impact of their efforts.

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That’s where XComms comes in. XComms is a fast, easy-to-use, and affordable internal communications platform that helps you get your employees’ attention and deliver your branded visual communications to desktops, mobiles, and common area screens. With XComms, you can easily create and send surveys, polls, quizzes, certificates, badges, awards, messages, and more to your employees. You can also analyse and report on the feedback data and showcase your employees’ success stories.

In this blog post, we will show you how XComms can help you build a culture of feedback and recognition in your workplace. We will explain how you can use XComms to create a feedback loop with your employees and to recognize them for their work. We will also share some tips and best practices to make the most of XComms features and functionalities.

How XComms Can Help You Create a Feedback Loop

Feedback is essential for employee engagement and performance. When employees receive feedback, they know what they are doing well and what they need to improve. They also feel that their opinions and suggestions matter and that they have a voice in the organization.

However, feedback is not a one-way street. It needs to be a continuous and interactive process that involves collecting, analysing, reporting, and acting on employee feedback. This is what we call a feedback loop.

A feedback loop is a cycle of communication that allows you to gather feedback from your employees, understand their needs and expectations, communicate the results and actions taken based on the feedback, and measure the outcomes and impact of your actions.

Creating a feedback loop can help you improve your internal communication strategy, align your employees with your goals and vision, enhance your employee experience and satisfaction, and increase your employee retention and loyalty.

But how can you create a feedback loop with XComms?

XComms makes it easy for you to collect feedback from your employees using various tools such as surveys, polls, quizzes, etc. You can create and send these tools to your employees using XComms’ drag-and-drop interface and customizable templates. You can also target your audience based on different criteria such as location, department, role, etc.

XComms also helps you analyze and report on the feedback data using its built-in analytics dashboard. You can view and export the data in different formats such as charts, graphs, tables, etc. You can also filter and segment the data by different variables such as date, time, response rate, etc.

XComms also enables you to communicate the results and actions taken based on the feedback to your employees using its powerful messaging features. You can create and send messages to your employees using XComms’ rich media editor and branding options. You can also choose from different delivery methods such as pop-ups, tickers, wallpapers, screensavers, etc.

By creating a feedback loop with XComms, you can show your employees that you value their input and that you are committed to improving their work environment and experience. You can also build trust and transparency with your employees and foster a culture of continuous improvement and learning.

How XComms Can Help You Recognize Your Employees

Recognition is another key factor for employee engagement and retention. When employees receive recognition, they feel appreciated, motivated, and proud of their work. They also develop a sense of belonging and loyalty to the organization.

However, recognition is not just about saying thank you or giving a pat on the back. It needs to be timely, specific, personalized, and meaningful. It also needs to be visible and shared with others.

That’s where XComms can help you.

XComms can help you recognize your employees for their achievements, contributions, milestones, etc. using various tools such as certificates, badges, awards, messages, etc. You can create and send these tools to your employees using XComms’ easy-to-use interface and customizable templates. You can also personalize them with your employees’ names, photos, logos, etc.

XComms can also help you showcase and celebrate your employees’ success stories on desktops, mobiles, and common area screens. You can use XComms to create and display slideshows, videos, testimonials, etc. that highlight your employees’ accomplishments and impact. You can also use XComms to broadcast live events such as town halls, award ceremonies, team meetings, etc. where you can publicly acknowledge and praise your employees.

By recognizing your employees with XComms, you can boost their morale and confidence and inspire them to perform better. You can also create a positive and supportive work culture where employees feel valued and respected. You can also attract and retain top talent by showcasing your employer brand and reputation.


Feedback and recognition are vital for creating a happy and productive workplace culture. They can help you engage your employees, improve their performance, and retain them longer.

However, creating a culture of feedback and recognition can be challenging without the right tools and strategies.

That’s why you need XComms.

XComms is a fast, easy-to-use, and affordable internal communications platform that helps you get your employees’ attention and deliver your branded visual communications to desktops, mobiles, and common area screens.

With XComms, you can easily collect feedback from your employees' using surveys, polls, quizzes, etc. You can also analyse and report on the feedback data and communicate the results and actions taken based on the feedback to your employees.

With XComms, you can also recognize your employees for their work using certificates, badges, awards, messages, etc. You can also showcase and celebrate your employees’ success stories on desktops, mobiles, and common area screens.

By using XComms to build a culture of feedback and recognition in your workplace, you can enhance your employee experience and satisfaction and increase your employee retention and loyalty.

If you want to learn more about how XComms can help you create a culture of feedback and recognition in your workplace, request a free demo today. You can also get pricing and sign up for a free trial to see for yourself how XComms can transform your internal communication strategy. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your internal communication to the next level with XComms.

Get started today!


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