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How to Boost Internal Communication: The Role of Employee Engagement in Internal Communication

The Role of Employee Engagement in Internal Communication

Employee engagement is the degree to which employees feel committed, motivated and connected to their work and their organization. It is a key factor for organizational success, as engaged employees are more productive, innovative and loyal. However, employee engagement is not something that happens by itself. It requires intentional and consistent efforts from leaders and managers to create a positive work environment and culture.

One of the most important aspects of creating an engaging work culture is internal communication. Internal communication is the process of sharing information, ideas and feedback within an organization. It can take various forms, such as meetings, emails, newsletters, intranets, social media and more. Internal communication has a significant impact on employee engagement, as it influences how employees perceive their work, their colleagues and their leaders.

In this blog post, we will explore the role of employee engagement in internal communication and how to improve it with practical strategies and tips.

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Why is employee engagement important for internal communication?

Employee engagement and internal communication are closely related and mutually reinforcing.

Here are some of the benefits of having engaged employees for internal communication:

  • Engaged employees are more likely to communicate effectively with their peers and managers. They are more willing to share their opinions, ideas and feedback, as well as listen to others. This fosters a culture of collaboration, innovation and learning within the organization.

  • Engaged employees are more receptive to internal communication from leaders and managers. They are more likely to trust the information they receive, understand the goals and vision of the organization, and align their actions with them. This enhances the clarity and consistency of internal communication and reduces confusion and ambiguity.

  • Engaged employees are more responsive to internal communication initiatives and campaigns.

They are more likely to participate in surveys, polls, quizzes, contests and other activities that aim to increase awareness, knowledge and engagement among employees. This improves the effectiveness and reach of internal communication efforts.

How to increase employee engagement through internal communication?

Internal communication can play a vital role in increasing employee engagement by addressing some of the key drivers of engagement, such as recognition, feedback, empowerment, belonging and purpose.

Here are some strategies and tips for improving employee engagement through internal communication:

  • Recognize and appreciate employees for their achievements and contributions. Use various channels and formats to celebrate successes, highlight best practices, showcase stories and testimonials, and express gratitude. Make recognition timely, specific and sincere.

  • Provide regular and constructive feedback to employees on their performance and development. Use both formal and informal methods to communicate strengths, areas for improvement, goals and expectations. Encourage feedback from employees as well, by asking for their opinions, suggestions and concerns.

  • Empower employees to make decisions, take ownership and solve problems. Communicate clearly the scope of authority, responsibility and accountability for each role. Provide guidance, support and resources when needed. Encourage creativity, experimentation and risk-taking.

  • Create a sense of belonging among employees by fostering a culture of inclusion, diversity and respect. Communicate openly and transparently about the values, mission and vision of the organization. Promote teamwork, collaboration and social interaction among employees. Celebrate diversity and acknowledge different perspectives.

  • Communicate the purpose and impact of the work that employees do. Explain how their work contributes to the overall goals and objectives of the organization. Share stories and examples of how their work makes a difference for customers, stakeholders or society at large.

How to measure the impact of employee engagement on internal communication?

To evaluate the impact of employee engagement on internal communication, it is important to measure both quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Some of the metrics that can be used are:

  • Communication satisfaction: The degree to which employees are satisfied with the quality, quantity, frequency, timeliness and relevance of internal communication.

  • Communication effectiveness: The degree to which internal communication achieves its intended outcomes, such as awareness, understanding, alignment or behaviour change.

  • Communication engagement: The degree to which employees actively participate in internal communication, such as reading, viewing, commenting or sharing content.

  • Communication climate: The degree to which employees perceive internal communication as open, honest, respectful and supportive.

These metrics can be measured using various methods, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, analytics, observation or feedback.

Tips for building strong employee relationships through internal communication.

One of the key outcomes of effective internal communication is building strong relationships among employees, as well as between employees and leaders. Strong relationships are based on trust, respect, empathy and rapport.

Here are some tips for building strong employee relationships through internal communication:

  • Use a variety of communication channels and formats to suit different preferences, needs and situations. For example, use face-to-face communication for sensitive or complex issues, use video or audio for personal or emotional messages, use email or text for quick or factual information, use social media or intranet for informal or interactive communication.

  • Use a conversational and human tone of voice in internal communication. Avoid jargon, acronyms and technical terms that may confuse or alienate employees. Use simple, clear and concise language that is easy to understand and relate to. Use humor, stories and emotions when appropriate to engage and connect with employees.

  • Personalize internal communication to make it more relevant and meaningful for employees. Use names, pronouns and references that show you know and care about your audience. Segment and tailor your messages based on the characteristics, interests and needs of different groups of employees. Use feedback and data to customize your communication strategies and tactics.

  • Encourage two-way communication and dialogue with employees. Ask open-ended questions, listen actively and attentively, acknowledge and validate their responses, provide constructive feedback and follow up on their concerns. Invite employees to share their opinions, ideas and feedback, as well as ask questions, seek clarification and express their feelings.

  • Be transparent and authentic in internal communication. Share information openly and honestly, even if it is negative or difficult. Explain the reasons behind decisions, actions or changes that affect employees. Admit mistakes, apologize when necessary and take responsibility for your actions. Be consistent and reliable in your communication.


Employee engagement is a crucial factor for organizational success, as it affects the performance, productivity and loyalty of employees. Internal communication is a powerful tool for enhancing employee engagement, as it influences how employees perceive their work, their colleagues and their leaders. By using effective internal communication strategies and tips, organizations can create a positive work culture and environment that fosters engagement among employees.

We hope you enjoyed this blog post about How to Boost Internal Communication with Employee Engagement. If you want to learn more about how to improve your internal communication strategies and boost your employee engagement, we have good news for you! We are a team of experts in internal communication, and we can help you design and implement effective solutions for your organisation. Whether you need a consultation, a training, or a full-service package, we are here to assist you. Don't hesitate to contact us today and let us know how we can help you achieve your internal communication goals!


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